Herburg Roses has been Fairtrade certified since 2014 and produces 28 different varieties of roses. Each year, the 1,300 permanent workers at Herburg produce more than 90 million roses!  

Herburg Roses is located in Ziway, Ethiopia. It employs 1,300 permanent workers, of which 75% are female, to harvest roses year round.  

Herburg Roses note that, ‘Fairtrade enables us to provide decent working conditions for employees and protecting workers’ rights. Premium projects has a great impact on the wellbeingness of employees and their life is improved; when the living condition of employees are improved, productivity will be also increased. Hence both Herburg and workers are mutually benefited.’

Fairtrade Premium use

Food Subsidy Programme: Under this programme, workers are able to purchase essential food items at a discounted price (40% of the market price). This includes key food items such as maize, flour, rice, lentils, shiro, and pepper. All of the workers at Herburg benefit from this programme. 

Premium also contributes to the local Sher school and Sher Hospital which provide education and healthcare services to the workers of the flower farms in Ziway, and the wider community.