30 ways to celebrate 30 years of Fairtrade – Pt. 2

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11. Have a break – have a coffee morning

A classic with our campaigners, old and new, nothing gets people listening to the benefits of Fairtrade better than a break and a few top-quality coffees, teas and snacks.

Hosting our coffee morning in a local Oxfam book and record shop helped us reach the public, as people out shopping were attracted in by our free teas and coffees.

Anita Beer, a campaigner in Market Harborough

12. Be a star of screen – host a film night

There’s lots of films that showcase why choosing Fairtrade is always the best choice for people and the planet.

13. Take the taste test – run a tasting session of treats

Thirty years after our first products, some people still don’t realise Fairtrade goodies don’t just power positive change. They taste great, too!

While they are tasting, take the time to explain the positive effect these palate-pleasers have in communities worldwide.

Campaigner top-tip

Pair some Fairtrade wine with some chocolate. Did you know that lighter chocolate pairs well with lighter wines? Try out the Co-op for good value options for wine and chocs.

Lily in Belfast

15. Deck the halls with (recycled) bunting

Using recycled cotton, Linlithgow Fairtrade Partnership made beautiful bunting with local youth groups. But you can use any materials to make some Fairtrade-themed bunting – it’s a great conversation starter, brightens up any space, and crafting is a great way to bring people together.

16. Hold a Fairtrade fashion show

Joanna Pollard celebrated Great Big Green Week by inviting groups of activists to upcycle some old Fairtrade Foundation t-shirts made (of course) from Fairtrade cotton.

Working with the Reading Centre for International Solidarity (RISC), Joanna also live-streamed the event on social media so people from all over could get involved.

17. Make the flowers bloom in your area

Did you know it’s easier than ever for your local florist to start stocking Fairtrade? Let them know by ordering flower postcards from us and sharing them with independent florists in your area.

Because more beautiful Fairtrade blossoms in the UK means more flower farm workers with greater rights, higher incomes, and more security all over the world, and that’s a blooming good deal!

18. Make your area a Fairtrade Community

Fairtrade Community groups work to put fairness at the heart of everything happening in their area.

You only need two like-minded people to start a group and the enthusiasm to bring our message to local people.

Already a Fairtrade Community?

Go even further by earning our special ‘Action Area’ badges.

19. Link up with a local sports team

Wolverhampton Fairtrade scored a Premier League partnership when they teamed up with Wolverhampton Wanderers. The local football group supported them in running an event that supported lots of local children to learn about us.

20. Hit the trail

Campaigners in Solihull created a Fairtrade Trail that delights old and young alike, introducing people to new places they can buy Fairtrade and the difference doing so can make.

Find out more about what you can do to celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight 2024