Sustainable skincare for your Fairtrade beauty routine

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Fairtrade coffee, chocolate and bananas are often in our shopping baskets. But did you know you can buy beauty products made with Fairtrade ingredients?

Fairtrade moisturisers, body butters, bath oils, hand creams and cosmetics can all be found on the high street, in supermarkets, and online.

These beauty regime regulars are made with Fairtrade ingredients that support Fairtrade farmers and workers to build a better life for their families and communities.

Fairtrade shea butter

Shea nuts, used to make shea butter, are harvested from trees that grow in the wild from west to east Africa, an area known as the shea belt.

Shea butter is used in many cosmetic products because its is moisturising, anti-inflammatory and vitamin rich.

Yet shea producers – who are mostly women – face arduous days, often with unfair working conditions.

Read more about Fairtrade shea.

Switching to Fairtrade shea products means these entrepreneurs have the safety net of the Fairtrade Minimum Price, and can invest their Fairtrade Premium in the local community.

Fairtrade olive oil

Rich in vitamins A, D, E and K, olive oil is not just for the kitchen. Olive oil’s vitamins and antioxidant properties make it a great addition to your beauty routine too.

Olive oil can be used in shampoos, conditioners, body butters, soaps and many other products.

Fairtrade works with around 2,500 olive farming families across the world.

By choosing a Fairtrade olive oil product, your purchase can go towards helping olive producers access sustainable, long-term contracts and earn a higher price for their crop.

Fairtrade coconut oil and cream

Coconut oil and cream have beneficial moisturising and anti-aging properties.

Yet despite coconut being a favourite ingredient in the kitchen and on bathroom shelves, many coconut farmers don’t receive a fair price for their produce.

Fairtrade works with coconut farmers in West Africa, Asia and the Pacific to support them in overcoming challenges they face such as decreasing productivity as coconut palms become older.

Fairtrade cocoa butter

Cocoa butter is also one of nature’s best moisturisers. It can be found as a common ingredient in lots of beauty products. Sadly, however, many cocoa farmers rarely reap the just rewards of cocoa’s popularity.

Fairtrade helps us to have good quality production, to invest and to have a good income. With Fairtrade our community has also built a water pump and installed solar panels to give electricity to 300 people.

Rosine, a Fairtrade cocoa farmer from Côte d’Ivoire

Fairtrade is working towards a fairer future with cocoa farmers across West Africa and Latin America.

Choosing products with the FAIRTRADE Mark means farmers working towards a better standard of living, with the chance to invest in their children’s education and support their communities.

Blog updated: May 2023

Beauty products that make a difference