People are at the heart of Fairtrade. There are over 1.9 million farmers and workers across more than 71 countries participating in Fairtrade. Find out more about the people working with Fairtrade.

Banana farmers and workers

Bananas are grown both on small family farms and much larger commercial farms. Challenges include rising costs of production and changing weather patterns.

Cocoa farmers

Chocolate is one of the world’s favourite treats, but the future of cocoa farming is in jeopardy as the rewards of the job do not match the challenging working conditions.

Coffee farmers

Coffee is one of the world’s most popular beverages and 80% of it is produced by 25 million smallholders.

Cotton farmers

Cotton is the world’s oldest commercial crop and one of the most important fibre crops in the global textile industry.


Whatever the occasion, you can say it with Fairtrade flowers. From roses to sunflowers, there are Fairtrade blooms to suit everyone.

Gold miners

Gold is a symbol of love, power and wealth the world-over. But look behind the glitz and the reality is not so glamorous.

Sugar farmers

Around 80 per cent of the world’s sugar is derived from sugar cane, grown by millions of small-scale farmers and workers.

Tea farmers and workers

Tea is the most popular drink in the world after water – an estimated 70,000 cups are drunk every second. Tea farming communities however, face serious challenges.

Wine farmers and workers

Wine is produced in over 50 countries around the world and is one of the world’s most well-known and popular beverages.