Donate to or fundraise for Fairtrade today and bring a fairer deal to more farmers and workers.

Thank you for your continuing support for farmers and workers to trade their way out of poverty and create a brighter future.

Farmers and workers around the world are on the frontline of the climate crisis, from rising temperatures to deforestation and water scarcity.

It can be hard for farmers to fight back, particularly when they are already disadvantaged by unfair trade systems.

But with your help, we can change this.

The Fairtrade Premium has helped us to educate our children and build for the future.

Rosine, a cocoa farmer in Côte d’Ivoire

A donation from you today can help bring Fairtrade to more small farmers all over the world, so they can earn a fair price for their produce and invest in their futures.

Make a donation

There are many different ways to support our work by making a donation. 

Donate online

Make a one-off or regular donation online.

Donate by post

Send a cheque made payable to The Fairtrade Foundation to:

  • The Fairtrade Foundation, 5.7 The Loom, 14 Gower’s Walk, London E1 8PY.

Please enclose a note with your name and contact details so we can thank you!

Donate by bank transfer and cash deposits

Please get in touch with our friendly team:

Fundraise for Fairtrade

From coffee mornings to running marathons, supporters across the UK are finding fun and creative ways to raise money for Fairtrade.

Whether you fundraise in a group or on your own, at school, university or in your community, we’re here to support you with great ideas and resources. Check out our fundraising page for more.