There are lots of ways to get involved with Fairtrade in your community.

Anyone can be a Fairtrade campaigner, from a student on a school’s eco-committee to someone helping their local area become a Fairtrade Community.

Check out the different ways to get involved below, and read our Fairtrade Campaign Action Guide for more details on campaigning in your community.

Ways to get involved

Fairtrade Communities

Find out how to apply to be a Fairtrade community group or to renew your status.

Fairtrade Places of Worship

How to become a Fairtrade Place of Worship or renew your Fairtrade status.

Fairtrade for Schools

There are hundreds of Fairtrade schools in the UK and that number continues to grow.

Universities and Colleges

Take action in your institution to join a worldwide movement for change.

National Campaigner Committee

The NCC is a group of elected Fairtrade campaigners who each represent a region of the UK.

Campaigner case studies

Thousands of Fairtrade campaigners run fantastic events and activities in their community and online. Check them out and get inspired to bring some Fairtrade fun to your area!