Every week, thousands of Fairtraders generate vital Fairtrade income for farmers by selling Fairtrade goods from market stalls, shops, places of worship and many other places. Since the closure of Traidcraft Plc, we’ve brought together alternative places to buy Fairtrade goods wholesale or in large quantities – read on to find out more.

What happening with Traidcraft and the Fairtrade Foundation?

While Traidecraft Plc has sadly ceased trading, the Fairtrade Foundation’s vital work to make global trade work for the most exploited farmers will go on.

And we will continue to work in partnership with other organisations that Traidcraft helped set up, including Transform Trade, Cafédirect and Shared Interest.

Traidcraft was a founding member of the Fairtrade Foundation. The success of Fairtrade, with over 4,500 products now available across all major UK retailers, is part of its incredible legacy.

All fair traders and Traidcraft staff are rightly proud that their work has helped drive positive change in communities across the world.

Where can I get Fairtrade products now?

If you have previously bought from Traidcraft, whether to run a stall, to stock your business or for personal use, you can still get most of these products elsewhere. Have a look at our buying Fairtrade page to find out where you can get your favourite products.

Wholesale: If you want to buy in bulk to stock a stall or shop, you can check out this list of wholesale providers maintained by volunteer fair traders.

Oxfam also has an online fair trade shop.

Visit your local fair trade shop: Your local fair trade shop will be able to provide a wide range of fair trade items for personal use, and you can talk to them about discounted or sale or return goods for stalls. You can find a list of BAFTS shop members on their website.

How else can I campaign for fairer trade?

If the closure of Traidcraft makes it more difficult for you to sell Fairtrade goods, there are still lots of ways you can stand up for fairer trade.

We need as many people as possible to spread the word that making the simple switch to Fairtrade means a greener, fairer and more sustainable future for our favourite foods.

Have a look for ways to get involved, and our upcoming Fairtrade Fortnight 2024 materials will give you lots of information and ideas.

As we continue this vital work, we are reassured by the knowledge that thousands of fair traders will continue to work to achieve our shared mission: a world with fairer trade and more power in the hands of farmers and workers.

Buying Fairtrade

Buying Fairtrade is easy. There are over 6,000 Fairtrade products from coffee and tea to flowers and gold, so when you shop, look for the FAIRTRADE Mark. 

Donate or fundraise

Donate to, or fundraise for Fairtrade today and bring a fairer deal to more farmers and workers