Our next Fairtrade Fortnight will be from Monday 9 September – Sunday 22 September 2024.

2024 will be our 30th birthday, so we want to use the occasion to highlight how 30 years of working together has made the FAIRTRADE Mark a leader of life-changing impact for farmers and workers across the world.

So, next year we’re going to shake things up a little bit!

The headline news is that our Fairtrade Fortnight 2024 will be moving to September as part of our year-long milestone celebrations. This will give us more time to make the most of the activities and awareness around the campaign.

Throughout 2024, there will be lots of opportunities to get involved with our activities, and we’ll be in touch soon with more details.

We know you’ll want to join us in celebrating the significant impact that the FAIRTRADE Mark has had in the world, and thank you for all your incredible support and contributions.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is moving Fairtrade Fortnight to September a permanent move or will it be going back to its usual slot in 2025?
    We want to make the move to September a permanent change from 2024, so that going forward, we can create consistency for everyone involved.
  • Is it ok for partners to do small-scale Fairtrade Fortnight events in February on their own?
    We would love to make our September event as big as possible to make sure we get maximum awareness, so we would encourage you to focus on our September dates. There will be lots of opportunities outside the actual fortnight to promote Fairtrade throughout 2024.
  • When will the theme be communicated?
    We’re already working away on this, and we’ll let you have an update very soon!
  • How does 30 years of the FAIRTRADE Mark relate to the Fairtrade Fortnight date change?
    Moving Fairtrade Fortnight to September gives us the opportunity for a longer planning cycle, which allows us to be able to get the most from our activities around our 30 years celebration of the FAIRTRADE Mark. We’re really excited about what’s to come and we know you are too!

Find out more