Baildon/Bradford Community Group

Rewarding local businesses with a Fairtrade supporter certificate 

Baildon Fairtrade have been awarding local businesses who stock, sell and support Fairtrade with certificates they can proudly display in their windows or online. 

This is helping grow support for Fairtrade locally and encouraging businesses to continue and grow their Fairtrade commitments. And of course, with more Fairtrade sales, farmers and workers across the world have more power to drive positive change in their communities.

Rewarding local businesses with a Fairtrade supporter certificate 

Baildon Fairtrade have been awarding local businesses who stock, sell and support Fairtrade with certificates they can proudly display in their windows or online. 

This is helping grow support for Fairtrade locally and encouraging businesses to continue and grow their Fairtrade commitments. And of course with more Fairtrade sales, farmers and workers across the world have more power to drive positive change in their communities.  

Fairtrade florist

Making Fairtrade flowers bloom 

In recent years, Baildon Fairtrade have been especially successful in promoting Fairtrade flowers.  

Our local florist Emma is passionate about all things environmental. So we approached her to discuss Fairtrade, and she is now a firm supporter. We’ve awarded her one of our certificates to show that and she has been proud to share that with the local community

Mike DeVilliers, Baildon Fairtrade

As well as getting the support of Emma, Mike and his wife Elaine have used their connections with nearby Bradford Cathedral – which is also a Fairtrade Place of Worship – to run a prominent display of Fairtrade flowers, which included stories from flower farm workers about the positive impact of Fairtrade. 

All of this has helped businesses, local people and institutions like the local church understand the value of choosing Fairtrade flowers – and all thousands of other Fairtrade goodies on offer! 

Connect with Baildon Fairtrade on Facebook

Bread of Life, Fair Trade Centre, London

Bread of Life in East Dulwich, south London, opened in 2001. Open six days a week, it sells Fairtrade goods to the local community.

For Fairtrade Fortnight 2023, the Fairtrade Foundation focused on how choosing Fairtrade helps farmers safeguard the future of some of the UK’s favourite foods.

To show their support, the Bread of Life Centre hosted a Fairtrade breakfast with the theme: ‘Choose Fairtrade now and help save our favourite foods’.