Fairtrade has a vision of a world in which justice and sustainable development are at the heart of trade and business so that everyone, through their work, can maintain a decent and dignified livelihood.

It is a vision that our staff and supporters are passionate about and focussed on working to achieve. As you would expect we believe in fairness, integrity and transparency in everything that is done in our name. But we are also determined to stand up and challenge an international trade status quo that is increasingly leaving millions of workers and farmers below the poverty line and struggling to provide for themselves, their families and their communities.

Fairtrade is more than just a different way of doing business. It’s a unique international movement with a bold and breathtaking vision.

Michael Gidney 
Chief Executive, Fairtrade Foundation

As our chief executive Michael Gidney says: ‘Fairtrade is more than just a different way of doing business. It’s a unique international movement with a bold and breathtaking mission: to change the way world trade works. It’s about a better deal for the people in low-income countries we rely on for our everyday needs.’

We want to be creative and innovative as we try to provide answers to the issues of sustainable development for marginalised producers and the inequalities of the international trade system.

We want to be strong in what we say, the action we take and how we lead as we offer alternatives to the current system. It’s about offering inspiring solutions, being optimistic about what can be achieved and unlocking potential.

And we want our staff to share those values and be the voice of Fairtrade and the people we work with. We believe that everyone who works with us, no matter what their role or which country they are in, has a part to play in working towards our vision.

If you share that vision, come and join us.

Pay policy

Fairtrade Foundation believes that to have greater impact for producers and make trade fairer, our employees are key to making that happen so our pay policies reflect that. Our pay policy isn’t dissimilar from what we want from fairer trading practices – we believe in the pay of our staff being fair, transparent, competitive and sustainable.

Download and read our full pay policy.

Anti-racism at the Fairtrade Foundation

The Fairtrade Foundation is committed to becoming an anti-racist organisation.

Following the murder of George Floyd in 2020, staff at the Foundation set up an Anti-Racism Steering Group to reflect on the organisation’s current practices and policies. The Fairtrade Foundation is currently in the process of further embedding anti-racist practice across the organisation.

Download and read our commitment to anti-racism.